Thursday, January 29, 2015

Never Ending Source of H2O

The Kitty Tails: A Cat's Blog

I have found a new source of water.  It is a never ending supply.  As I drink, more water seeps through!  Look!

That's right human.  That swishing, swirling bowl of water you use for your disgusting waste?  I've discovered its true purpose!  LIFE!

Read on, my paw pals, this is what makes us felines superior to that of these tiny brained humans.

Now, for an important message:

*Transmission interrupted*

Coming soon, a random blog that will be an ACTUAL blog and not from the views of some dumb cat... fatty...

Plus, at the top, I've linked my YouTube channel to my blog.

Go Hu-

*Transmission resumed*

And that, my fellow felines, is how the revolution shall begin.  Are we agreed?  Good.

Remember, we have this wonderful, plentiful, never ending source of water!  Now, if we can only get some fish to swim up there . . .


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